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DC Health Updates Travel Quarantine List for Residents

Aug 11, 2020, 08:03 AM by MSDC Staff
The District removed Delaware from its quarantine list and added five more states.

On Monday, Mayor Muriel Bowser and DC Health announced the updated list of states requiring a 14-day quarantine period if someone travels to/from them.

The policy was first announced two weeks ago. Anyone travelling from the District to these states and returning, or visiting the District from these states, and are not travelling for essential purposes, are required to quarantine themselves for 14 days. This order includes medical personnel, and the order is backdated from the announcement date. Travel to and from Maryland and Virginia are exempted.

Notably, Delaware was removed from the quarantine list. Also removed are Ohio and Washington state, so travel to these states do not necessitate quarantine upon return. States added to the list include Alaska, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, and Minnesota.

The list will be updated again on August 24. The list is based on a seven-day moving average where daily new COVID-19 cases is 10 or more per 100,000 persons.

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Public Health News


DC Health Updates Travel Quarantine List for Residents

Aug 11, 2020, 08:03 AM by MSDC Staff
The District removed Delaware from its quarantine list and added five more states.

On Monday, Mayor Muriel Bowser and DC Health announced the updated list of states requiring a 14-day quarantine period if someone travels to/from them.

The policy was first announced two weeks ago. Anyone travelling from the District to these states and returning, or visiting the District from these states, and are not travelling for essential purposes, are required to quarantine themselves for 14 days. This order includes medical personnel, and the order is backdated from the announcement date. Travel to and from Maryland and Virginia are exempted.

Notably, Delaware was removed from the quarantine list. Also removed are Ohio and Washington state, so travel to these states do not necessitate quarantine upon return. States added to the list include Alaska, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, and Minnesota.

The list will be updated again on August 24. The list is based on a seven-day moving average where daily new COVID-19 cases is 10 or more per 100,000 persons.

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