PHP and Addiction Resources

The MSDC Physician Health Program is a private, confidential, non-disciplinary program that works to advocate for the health and well-being of all physicians in the metropolitan Washington, DC, area and to safeguard the public.

The Program is HIPAA compliant and protects the confidentiality of participant records as set forth under DC and Federal law. The program is administered by the Medical Society of DC and is separate from the DC Board of Medicine.

Learn more about this program at our Healthy Physician Foundation page

Support Your Colleagues

Do you want to help support your fellow physicians going through their own struggles? The Healthy Physician Foundation supports the PHP and our efforts to supports physicians in need. Your generous gift allows MSDC to continue this important program and extend our reach to all physicians.

Donate here

Mayor's Task Force Recommends Streamlined Licensing, Prior Auth Reform

Oct 19, 2023, 10:22 AM by MSDC Staff
The Healthcare Workforce Task Force issued recommendations aimed at strengthening an industry battered by burnout and epidemics.


Mayor Muriel Bowser's task force to sustain the healthcare workforce released its recommendations officially, a few of which mirrored MSDC's own priorities.

This report - seen here - will help set budget and action priorities for the health agencies in the years to come. MSDC served on the task force, as did some of its members.

The recommendations from the task force include:

  • Expand data infrastructure to improve health professional license processing, allow for interoperability with third-party data providers and other jurisdiction licensing agencies, and improve data collection to support healthcare workforce development planning.
  • Accelerate coordinated health professional licensure across the District, Maryland, and Virginia through compacts and policy coordination, technology interoperability, expanded use of temporary licensure, and adoption of endorsement pathways for all comparable licenses, registrations, or certifications.
  • Allow for certain non-District residents to be considered for health professional licensing board membership.
  • Reduce systemic factors contributing to healthcare workforce burnout, by reducing documentation burden, insurance prior authorization requirements for routine care, and improving healthcare workforce quality of life.

The second and third recommendations above are already being implemented by DC Health, and MSDC is working to implement all four. MSDC thanks its advisory committee who helped craft MSDC's comments to the task force and MSDC members who participated in the task force.