PHP and Addiction Resources

The MSDC Physician Health Program is a private, confidential, non-disciplinary program that works to advocate for the health and well-being of all physicians in the metropolitan Washington, DC, area and to safeguard the public.

The Program is HIPAA compliant and protects the confidentiality of participant records as set forth under DC and Federal law. The program is administered by the Medical Society of DC and is separate from the DC Board of Medicine.

Learn more about this program at our Healthy Physician Foundation page

Support Your Colleagues

Do you want to help support your fellow physicians going through their own struggles? The Healthy Physician Foundation supports the PHP and our efforts to supports physicians in need. Your generous gift allows MSDC to continue this important program and extend our reach to all physicians.

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Three ways to decrease paperwork and burnout

Mar 14, 2023, 13:08 PM by MSDC Staff
 Learn 3 ways to spend less time on documentation and more time on what you enjoy.

 Documentation and charting are a part of the practice of modern medicine, and they consume an increasing amount of a doctor’s day.  Studies show that doctors spend 2 hours on “paperwork” for every single hour spent with a patient. The EMR burden adds to physician workload and professional burnout, as doctors know all too well. 

Although documentation is a necessary evil, there are ways to chart smarter and reduce the time spent.  There are three common behaviors, according to a physician coach writing in KevinMD, that increase the time spent on charting.  They are:

  1. Expecting perfection
  2. Being overly self-critical
  3. Going too big

These behavioral traits can triple the amount of time spent charting. With greater self-awareness and shifts in behavior, you can chart better, spend less time on paperwork, and spend more time living.   Read more in "3 mistakes physicians make that triple charting time." 

Another way to chart smarter is with tips and practices shared in the Private Practice Simple Solutions series, open to members regardless of practice type.  Sign up today and get useful insights plus a documentation/coding toolkit from the American Medical Association.

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