
This event has ended. Please see below for video of the event, presentation, and description.

Dr. Peebles PowerPoint


How can you most effectively speak with a Councilmember's office to share your perspective as a physician, caregiver, and medical professional?  

The MSDC advocacy training is an online program to talk through physician advocacy. During the evening, you and your peers will discuss tips and tricks on how to be an effective physician advocate, with a focus on working with DC Councilmembers and their staff. This event is timed one week prior to the committee hearing on June 27 and will be a must-attend for physicians who want to advocate on the bills under consideration. However, this is open to anyone who is interested in effectively advocating for your patients and practice.
You will hear from MSDC Advocacy Committee Chair Dr. Klint Peebles and other physicians experienced in testifying before the DC Council. Hear what to expect and how they succeeded in sharing their message. MSDC staff and leadership will also walk attendees through MSDC advocacy priorities (such as drug pricing and the copay accumulator bill or administrative simplification and the prior auth reform bill) and how to speak convincingly about them to a Councilmember or their staff. Included will be time for sharing and discussion.