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MSDC Joins House of Medicine Letter on Medicare Prior Auth Reform

Feb 13, 2023, 17:44 PM by MSDC Staff
MSDC and numerous other medical societies joined in a sign-on letter urging CMS to adopt prior authorization changes.

Despite leading the charge locally on reforming prior authorization, MSDC is still working nationally to reform the onerous practice.

On February 13, MSDC and over a hundred other organizations sent a letter to CMS Administrator Chiquita Brooks-LaSure applauding the agency for recent proposed rules on prior auth in Parts C and D. The rules reflect a recent Office of the Inspector General 2022 report showing that 13% of prior auth request denied by Medicare Advantage plans met Medicare coverage rules, and 18% of payment request denials met Medicare and MA billing rules.

The letter ends by urging CMS to finalize the regulations with the recommended changes for MA and Plan D plans.

You can see the whole letter here.